Friday, October 31, 2014

AR Reward Week

This has been an exciting week as we celebrated our WHES Goal Getters. All students that met their AR goals were given a hand painted scratch off ticket. Unlike real lottery tickets, all of our cards were winning tickets. Prizes ranged from scented bookmarks to free books to gift cards. Way to meet your goals WHES readers!


Thursday, October 30, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

2nd Grade Bat Tagxedo

Tagxedo is our web tool of choice at the moment. Now our second graders are creating word clouds! Mrs. James' class worked as a group to come up with many words describing bats and their appearance and behavior. Check out their awesome work:

The students chose the gray/black color scheme because it fit with bats.

Friday, October 24, 2014

Second Grade Surprise

A belated thank you to our wonderful second grade students and teachers. They surprised Mrs. Coats and I on Farmer's Day with a basket of fall treats and many hand written thank you cards from the students. What a sweet and thoughtful group!

4th Grade Book Genre Word Clouds

Fourth grade classes have been studying book genres during their library classes. To show their understanding, students worked with partners to create a Tagxedo word cloud representing a specific book genre. Here are some of the best!

Created by Josiah and Alexia
Created by Pre'Asha and Zunaira

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Woodland Heights joins Millions in Reading for the Record

On Tuesday October 21st, our K4, Kindergarten, First and Second grades participated in Jumpstart's Read for the Record program. On this date, all around the world, millions of children and adults read the same book, Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells. 
Woodland Heights added 293 readers to the worldwide total. We can't wait to find out if we helped break last year's record of 2,462,860 readers!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Student Book Review: Who Is Michelle Obama?

Who Is Michelle Obama? by Megan Stine

Book Review by Alia G. 

The book was about Michelle Obama and her husband the president Barack Obama growing up. She was a young girl who went to public school in Chicago and skipped second grade.

3 things I liked about this book:
  1. How great she is as a first lady. 
  2. Also how much she cares for kids. 
  3. And that she was a host at a charity garden party she had for kids.

Student Book Review: Wonder


Book Review by Diyjah W.
Wonder by R.J. Palacio

It's about a kid who has a face disorder and its his first day of school. On his first day of school, nobody will play with him, but one person is being nice to him. This book is about treating people the way you want to be treated.

3 things I really liked about this book:
  1. I really liked the characters.
  2. I liked the way it's telling people to treat other people the way they want to be treated. 
  3. I also like that it had a good beginning, middle and end.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Photos from the Library

Results of Dot Week

Mrs. Switzer's Class returns a bushel of books!

SC Book Awards

As we work to build our community of readers, the 4th and 5th graders have focused on the South Carolina Children's Book Award nominees and have enjoyed read alouds of a chapter (or two) of the following nominated titles:

book cover

Find out more at the SC Children's Book Award nominees page. So far, each class has ended with requests to be the first to check out the read aloud of the day! Look for student book reviews coming soon...